Archive for the 'God and His Ways' Category

(Posts Archive)

One Man's Anger

I don’t know of anyone who would say that God has broken his own rules. But neither do I know anyone who hasn’t had issues with God. As a number of us have already acknowledged, when we talk about our struggle to “forgive God” we don’t really mean we think God has sinned against us. […]


Why do you think so many followers of Christ start strong and then become disillusioned over time? Or maybe I shouldn’t assume that’s what you’ve seen. Maybe I should ask you a more balanced question. Is it your hunch that most people who begin strong end up being as hopeful, as warm hearted, and as […]

Father Issues (2nd of 3)

In my last post, I ended saying, “In a day when so many of us long for a return to family values, it is disappointing to discover that a good dad is hard to find in the Bible.” But maybe this is a disappointment that can work in our favor. A Different Kind of Father […]

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